Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Self-esteem and empathy make sex better

A new study published in the journal «Journal of Adolescent Health» finds that people can interact and better understand the feelings of other people are likely to have satisfactory sexual life.
Personal characteristics such as self esteem and autonomy, also play a role in sexual pleasure and health.
She director of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health reported that sexual health includes sexual wellbeing and sexual pleasure is an important part of it. The method of interaction between people, their ability to hear words of each other and understand their advancement prospects can really affect their sex lives.
The study came to these conclusions analyzed data from about 3,200 students, aged from 18 to 26, surveyed during the period 2001 to 2002, under the third phase of the National longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health.
Studying sexual satisfaction, respondents answered questions aimed at
• assessing the levels of autonomy, self-esteem and emotional understanding
• as well as sexual health and satisfaction about sex.
The autonomy and self-esteem, according to the rewiew,is defined as the power was followed by personal beliefs, even when they are contrary to conventional wisdom, which often grows into adulthood. The possibility of empathy is the ability to perceive one's outlook of others, ie to see things from another perspective and to understand and respond to the feelings of his companions.
The study found that men 87% were more inclined than women, with respective 47%, indicating that they have an orgasm most of the time or always during sex. The study also demonstrated that men enjoy more oral sex from their partners.
When the researchers compared the personality traits with measures of sexual satisfaction, namely:
• frequency of orgasm
• the level of enjoyment for providing and receiving oral sex
found that higher levels of self-esteem, autonomy and empathy were associated more with greater overall sexual pleasure in women, while men had an impact only empathy.
According to the above, the feeling in the bedroom helps people with emotional understanding to meet the needs of their partner and thus begins a positive cycle of retribution.
These developmental benefits may be more important for sexual pleasure young women, since they help to break the barriers of communication and sexual exploration, referring to the concept that women are more "limited" in the bedroom than than men.

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