All we have done at least once. A winning smile and negotiate a large sale. A joke with our neighbor to the bartender of the desk or morning coffee. That certain tone of voice when asking for help for a project ...
The employees of the subtle art of seduction knows that blink or launch a penetrating gaze can be a form of social power, sometimes useful to secure an advantage or an ally. Nicole Williams, author of gilr on top, claiming the use of all available tools to gain ground at work, including this one. "Flirt?" The author writes, "I call it efficiency."
Even in the academic world is increasingly willing to give value to the power of sex. The sociologist C. Hakim, a professor at the LSE and author of Erotic Ecomincs Capital: The Power of Attracion in the Boardroom and the Bedroom, believes that the erotic capital is the fourth human resource with economic, social, and cultural . Defines capital as a kind of erotic attraction and physical and social claims that it is a manifestation of flirting. "Having the knowledge includes charismatic flirt and when appropriate, especially in these times, one would expect from charismatic leaders."
"Flirting is to imply the possibility, but not the probability that something could happen between two people sexually," says psychologist S. Rego, Head of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. It expresses the tone of voice, pauses, glances, posture, body language and word games.
However, if flirting can sometimes make us get a discount, a customer or earn a commission so desired, can also easily make us vulnerable, because of the misunderstanding of our attitude and the stigma that is. Flirt to get any advantage is like playing with fire and may expose us to very unpleasant unintended consequences.
What do you think? Do you have a story to tell about it?
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